Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A Fog

It is interesting. I was driving to work one day and had to pull over. The fog was getting really thick and it was hard to see. I looked out in front of me and saw this structure. I then proceeded to look behind me and saw shapes of cars going past me. And all of a sudden it struck me. For too long I have lived in the past and future. Worrying about what I am going to do in the next 10 years and what happened in the last 6 years I forgot about today. I looked in front of me and behind me again and felt likeā€¦ this is the way I should view my life. Reflect on the past, relish in the present, and choose your future.

A fog has fallen over me like a driver
It hinders my view of the past and future
I cannot see the road that lies ahead
An outline has been formed but nothing more
I cannot see what lies behind
A shape has formed but nothing more
My only focus is now
And nothing more


Anonymous Anonymous said...

must have been a moment of true clarity to let you finish "the fog" - the future is formed from every moment of the present and the best choices are made in the same way that the writing flows most freely - thinking with your heart, not your head, will take you to a place where your life becomes a passion in which the fire warms you, lights your way, and drives you ever forward...

10:22 PM  
Blogger Miller Sturtevant said...

Hey, a new blog posting! Wow. Cool. So what did the structure turn out to be? Also, what is your email address? I don't have one for you.

11:14 AM  

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